Remote Plan: All classes are conducted remotely and students
do not come to the CMS building
CMS will begin the 2020-21 year in a remote instructional format. Students will be required to check in with their teachers via Zoom or other platforms on a daily basis. The amount of time that students will need to participate in synchronous activities will depend on the lesson or activity planned by the teacher for each class.
Grading Policy: Our teachers have been working hard this summer to transform our courses to operate both in-person and via e-learning regardless of circumstances brought on by COVID-19. Therefore, unlike in Spring 2020, students will receive grades in Fall 2020 and beyond regardless of instructional format (remote, in-classroom, hybrid, etc.) Students’ grades will be based upon their performance of assigned work, class participation, and other appropriate assessment criteria defined by teachers.
In the event that in-person meetings are not possible due to COVID-19 or other circumstances, CMS reserves the right to convert Fine Arts and Applied Arts classes from the customary letter grade system to a standards-based grading scale (exceeds expectations/meets expectations/doesn’t meet expectations). This allows for differences in access to class-related equipment, materials and adult expertise available in students’ homes.
Schedules: Spring 2021 check-ins and synchronous learning activities will be conducted according to the following schedules (revised-- effective 1/5/2021):