The CMS 8th grade class participated in Advocacy Day, a day set aside to bring awareness to and express concern over environmental issues to state representatives and senators, on April 19, 2023. Traveling with Faith in Place, a local advocacy group, our students embarked on a day long trip to the State Capitol in Springfield, IL. Students attended the Environmental Advocacy Day rally outside in front of the Lincoln statue, spoke with State Senator Paul Faraci (52nd District) and enjoyed lunch on the lawn outside. After an unsuccessful attempt to speak with the Governor, the 8th grade class visited the House Gallery and listened while environmental lobbyists spoke to one of our local State Representatives Michael Marron (104th District).

Check out what our students had to say about their experience:
"We met senators and representatives of Illinois, and got to talk to them about bills that we thought should get passed. It was interesting to hear how they pass a bill and consider each of the bills that are proposed. We also got to have a voice in issues about the climate and environment. We went to a rally and we made signs to advocate for environmental justice. Everybody had a great time and was thankful to be part of this experience."
"I had so much fun! I got to see the house gallery when we watched a bill being voted on. We met with some representatives and got to talk with them about the issues that concerned us. The state house was so pretty with all the statues, paintings, and decorations inside."
"For advocacy day, we first went on the bus to Springfield where we talked about the bills that we would represent. At Springfield, we were able to look at the building and watch a bill get passed about climate justice. Additionally, we were able to talk to our senator, Mr. Faraci and tell him about the bills that we want passed. We also were able to go to a rally and learn about advocacy! Overall, it was a really fun, informative trip, and it helped me learn about advocating as well as environmental justice."
"I really enjoyed Advocacy Day because it was really nice to see our senators and representatives in action. My two favorite events from the day were the rally and going inside the house gallery to listen to them pass bills. It was super cool that we got to meet Senator Faraci and Representative Marron. They were both really nice and seemed passionate about their work. I also have to add that the bus ride was really nice and Ms. Shepherd was very kind and attentive to us."
"It was fun, we got a bunch of new experiences. We got to say hi to Paul Faraci."
"On Wednesday, April 19, we met with state senator Paul Faraci and state representative Michael Marron (the people who come from our district), to convince them to vote for nineteen laws meant to promote environmental welfare. We also saw a bill for clean air get passed in the house gallery and had the opportunity to rally for the environmental laws. We came with Faith In Place, an organization meant to protect Earth and promote justice, who graciously took us to Springfield. All in all, I think it was a great day!"