On-Site Plan: All Students Attend Class at CMS Every Day
Classes: Students will be assigned a classroom for academic classes, according to the schedule below. This will be their classroom for the entire academic day (they will have a different classroom assigned on their Arts day), and only staff will switch classrooms throughout that day. On Arts days, each grade will be split into two groups and will be required to make one classroom switch (between 6th and 7th period). The groups of students will not change, but due to supply needs (sewing machines, art materials) a switch is necessary. We have created a longer break in the schedule to allow time to disinfect the classrooms before this transition.
*Each grade will switch rooms in order to move to Art or Sewing/Quilting class, as it is impractical to move all of the sewing machines and art supplies to different classrooms. We will disinfect Rooms 1 and 2 before the switch occurs, and students will be assigned stations in each room to limit exposure.
Physical Education: We will hold PE outdoors as weather permits, with no more than 18 students at one time, doing activities that limit shared equipment (i.e. running, walking, jumprope, etc.). When we are forced to move PE indoors to our gym, we will engage our students in activities that allow social distancing (i.e. yoga, martial arts, Zumba, etc.)