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We are planning to travel out of state; what steps should we take upon return?CMS will require families to stay remote for a period of 7 days after travel before returning in person and strongly encourage testing 48 hours prior to returning to the building. CDC recommends testing 3 - 5 days after travel AND staying home for 7 days after travel. Even if you test negative, it is recommended you stay home the full 7 days. If you don’t get tested, it is safest to stay home for 10 days after travel.
What happens when someone tests positive at the school?Any student, or staff member who tests positive will be placed in quarantine by the Public Health Department and will follow the guidance provided from them. If a student tests positive, CMS will notify the entire cohort that they will be moving to remote learning for a period of at least 7 days. Students in the cohort will be allowed to return, if asymptomatic after 7 days quarantine, with a negative COVID test (collected within 48 hours of Day 7). If you chose not to test, you must remain asymptomatic and in quarantine for 10 days. ANYONE TESTING POSITIVE FOR COVID WILL BE REQUIRED TO SHOW PROOF OF A NEGATIVE TEST OR A RELEASE FROM ISOLATION LETTER PROVIDED FROM THE HEALTH DEPT. AFTER THEIR QUARANTINE PERIOD IS OVER IN ORDER TO RETURN TO IN PERSON LEARNING.
Can CMS require a student or staff to be tested if they have a fever or symptoms?Individuals with a fever and other symptoms of COVID without an alternate physician diagnosis will be required to submit negative results prior to returning to CMS AND be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications AND have no diarrhea or vomiting in the previous 24 hours. If you choose not to be tested and do not have an healthcare provider’s note documenting an alternative diagnosis, you MUST complete 10 calendar days of isolation from the date of first symptom onset AND be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications AND other symptoms have improved before returning to school. CMS strongly recommends families test regularly. We encourage families to create a plan to test weekly.
If a family member is home sick with suspected COVID-19 symptoms, must all of their siblings/household members be quarantined?"Yes. If one household member is being evaluated fo COVID-19, the rest of the household must be quarantined until an alternative diagnosis is made or a negative result received. If the sick family member is classified as a confirmed case (tests positive for COVID-19) or a probable case (has COVID-like symptoms and is epidemiologically links to known case) the Public Health Department conducting contact tracing will place the household contacts, including all siblings, in quarantine.
If a student or staff member is identified as a close contact to a person with COVID-19 and is instructed to quarantine, are their household members also required to be in quarantine?"No. Contacts of a person who is a close contact to a COVID-19 case do not need to self quarantine unless they develop symptoms or if the person identified as the close contact develops COVID-19. They should, however, monitor themselves closely for symptoms of COVID-19 and if they become symptomatic, self-isolate and seek medical evaluation/testing.
A person tests positive for Covid, goes through the protocols, and comes back once cleared by a doctor 14 days later. Then a month later gets exposed to COVID from someone else (family member, student, etc.). Do they have to quarantine again even though they’ve already had COVID? Along the same lines, if someone gets an antibody test because they think they may have had this back in February, and the test does confirm they have the antibodies, would they have to quarantine if they are exposed to a person with Covid at some point?"Yes , they will be placed in quarantine. There is evidence of reinfection and we do not know if and how long the immunity lasts from an infection.
Does the HVAC system at CMS cycle in fresh air?Due to the age of the heating system at CMS we can’t automatically cycle in fresh air. To make up for this, we will be opening the windows and doors regularly to cycle fresh air into the building and classrooms. We will also be using CO2 monitors to track that enough fresh air is being cycled in.
Will you provide sanitizer?CMS will have hand sanitizer dispensers located at the entrances of classrooms. We also have sinks in most classrooms for students to wash their hands.
Can students who are not comfortable with coming to school take their classes online?Students who can not be in school (for whatever reason) can Zoom into their academic classes. For the Arts classes, staff will not be offering synchronous online classes unless their class moves to remote learning. This will happen if/when we move to an all remote learning plan. Students are encouraged, however, to engage in the posted assignments during this time.
Can students take a partial schedule at school and the rest online in order to reduce social contact?Students who can not be in school (for whatever reason) can Zoom into their academic classes. For the Arts classes, staff will not be offering synchronous online classes unless their class moves to remote learning. This will happen if/when we move to an all remote learning plan. Students are encouraged, however, to engage in the posted assignments during this time.
If parents are not comfortable with sending a student to school because of COVID, can the student return to school when the threat is reduced or gone?"Yes, of course!
What is the protocol for disinfecting things that students take home and bring back to school?Students will not be sharing supplies. We encourage students and families to clean and disinfect materials and supplies daily. In the event that supplies (art materials, etc.) are shared, students will be asked to wash hands before and after use and the supplies will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Will there be guidelines as to things students may and may not bring to school?Because we are not using lockers at this time, we encourage students to ONLY bring the supplies they need. They will be required to store their book bag and all other materials (coat, lunch, etc.) in a tote.
Will the school provide extra masks in case a student loses or forgets to bring one?CMS has a limited supply of extra masks on hand. We encourage families to pack a few extras in their book bag to be sure students always have one on hand.
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